Invitation to NICKLAS LIDSTROM CUP 2026. 3-5 January 2026 is now open
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Skogsbo Sportklubb
Välkommen till Skogsbo SK

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Finns du inte med i våra medlemsregister så går du en av dessa två vägar. Redan med i ett av föreningens lag - > Kontakta ledare som sedan lägger till dig. Ej tidigare spelare i Skogsbo SK. Klicka på knappen nedan "Börja spela hockey!" och registrera dig i den åldersgrupp som du är född i.


Skridskoskolan: Registrering sköts via "Börja spela hockey!" knappen nedan och välj sedan "Avestaklubbarnas Hockeyskola" och anmäl dig i rätt åldersgrupp eller skridskoskolan.



2025-03-25 15:23
2025-03-25 15:22

Skogsbo SK Team-14 U11 anordnar KEAB CUP 29/3. Besök hallen, se grym hockey, delta i lotteri/puckkastning köp något gott att äta. Härlig ungdomshockey från morgon till kväll

Truckservice vår-cup 2025 en succe!
2025-03-24 07:53, Team-12
Glada Skogsbospelare som vann Truckservice vår-cup 2025på hemmais.

Truckservice vår-cup 2025 bjöd på många spännande matcher och äntligen fick Skogsbo SK känna segerns sötma.

Betalning Spelaravgift vårterminen 2025
2025-03-21 14:45

Föreningen håller på skicka ut spelaravgiften för vårterminen, håll utkik i sportadmin appen.

Spelaravgiften avser lagen U10-U13.

Kontakta Linus Hjälmeskog vid funderingar. 073-0502331

Invitation open for NLC 2026
2025-03-15 22:41

Skogsbo SK, Avesta, Sweden, has the pleasure of inviting You and Your team
to NICKLAS LIDSTROM CUP 2026. The tournament is played
January 3-5 2026 and normally consists of teams from Norway, Finland,
Czech Republic, Latvia, USA and Sweden.
In 2025 TRÅNGSUNDS IF won the tournament.
Who will win in 2026?

The tournament is played with a maximum of 12 teams divided into two groups, within which all teams meet
each other once. Last day you play for your placing. It starts with the game for places 11 and 12 and ends
with an exciting FINAL! All teams are guaranteed 6 games. In case of equal points in the group play,
the result from the individual game decides. Still equal, goal dierence and finally, most scored goals
decide. If still equal, we decide by drawing lots. Only players born 2013 or later are allowed to participate.
Number of players/team; no limit.

Match time: 2 x 15 minutes and 2 x 20 in the final. If there is a draw in the placing-games, a
penalty shoot-out takes place. In the final, sudden death 1 x 5 min followed by, if necessary, a
penalty shoot-out will take place. Each game is controlled by 3 registered referees.
We have several alternatives to oer: Hotel, Youth Hostel and campingcabins. Sometimes we
can even oer Home residences. Call us, and we will do our very best to help you!


1st through 3rd team receives a nice cup and the players receive medals. Each player receives a dip-
loma. e Nicklas Lidstrom Cup trophy is awarded to the winner of Fair Play Cup in the tour-
nament. In addition, prices to the MVP of the tournament and score winner (points) are awarded.

An All Star Team is also nominated and in each game, a MVP is nominated.
We have big crowds during the tournament; 500- 600 every day and more than a 1000 in the final!

Radio Avesta is on the air direct from the arena every day with interviews with players and specta-
tors (the broadcast can be picked up on the internet).

In addition, the tournament can be followed over the internet via
If you want more information, please contact our office tel and fax: +46 226 549 42 (10:00-14:00)
or by mail, or Rolf Laki on +46 73 98 122 98, or Fredrik Oscarsson
+46 70 088 12 97, Jan Björk +46 70 348 17 10 or visit our website:
Start up 2026 with a real tournament adventure. Sign in for NICKLAS LIDSTRÖM CUP!

You must register your team by sending the fee, 6 000 SEK, to BANKGIRO
ACCOUNT: 5254-8096 to be legible in the selection process.
Write NICKLAS LIDSTRÖM CUP 2026 and the name of your team on the
giro-note. We also want the name, address and tel no/fax no/e-mail address of
your contact person. E-mail these details to
If there are too many team-entries, we reserve the right to select teams. All fees
are refunded to teams not selected!


yours sincerely,
Skogsbo Sportklubb, Nicklas Lidström Cup-Committee

Nyheter från våra lag
Team-12, 13/01 08:42 
Team-12, 09/01 11:44 
Nicklas Lidström Cup, 06/12 22:55 
Skridskoskolan, 06/12 22:51